‘Writing Careers’ CategoryPage 2

Writing Careers 4 – The Loft

By E. W.   2-7-13 While you might be interested in using writing in your career, perhaps you also dream of being a published author or poet. As many authors and poets will attest, though, this road is not an easy one. However, there’s no reason you must take it alone. One great resource for […]

Writing Careers 3 – Advertising Copywriter

By E. W. 1-31-13 If proposal writing didn’t seem up your alley, then perhaps advertising copywriter will be more what you’re looking for. An advertising copywriter writes out what is going to be said or written in advertisements. This may include jingles, catchphrases, or slogans. Overall, their main goal is to communicate what their clients […]

Writing Careers 2 – Proposal Writing

By E.W. 1-24-13 After seeking out the advice of Gusties who use writing every day in their careers, I have received some great ideas to share with current Gustavus students who would like to apply their hard earned writing skills to their own careers but are unsure about the opportunities out there. One of the […]

Writing Careers 1

By E.W.  1-17-13 Let me run you through a common conversation with people I meet who find out I’m a college student: Person: What’s your major? Me: English. Person: Do you want to work at a newspaper? Me: Not really. Person: Oh, do you want to go into teaching? Me: No. Person: So…what do you […]