‘Fashion Friday’ CategoryPage 3

Fashion Friday: For the MEN

Having to build a man’s work wardrobe is both a blessing and a curse.  The bad news is that it can be deceptively simple – you still need to pay attention to the details or it can go awry.  On the bright side, once you nail down the basics, you are impervious to fashion pitfalls […]

Fashion Friday: Student to Working Woman Essentials

All those “Top 10 Work Essentials” lists are so boring – everything is very proper, usually a dark neutral and not something you would ever wear as a student.  But pay attention!  Those lists make sense – they are what you’ll need to get started in the work place.  Plus, they offer endless options for […]

Fashion Friday: The Basics

Knowing what to wear in the workplace can be perplexing.  Fashion Fridays (posting occasionally on Friday) are here to remedy all the confusion!  Feel free to write a question or send a picture of a possible work outfit and we will help answer and direct you. Let’s start with the basics:  There are four major […]