MNPC JAIF 2015 – Message 11 Posted on January 29th, 2015 by

Fair Goers:

  1. 154 of you are registered so far – if you have friends thinking of registering – this Friday is the deadline!
  2. Thank you to the 124 of you with resumes approved on GustieJobs!  And, the 74 of you have resumes posted on the fair site for employers to see!  We have the most – but it could be better!  I like to stay ahead of St. Thomas.
  3. There are 240+ employers registered to attend – it WILL take you MUCH more time than you think to review the employer list – start now!
  4. This event is NOT a “just show up and see what happens” deal.  Employers have come to expect a high level of preparation by candidates – which is what makes this the BEST Fair in the State!
  5. You should now be sending emails with resumes to fair employers asking for pre-select interviews at fair.  This is the BEST BET to make fair successful!  You could walk in with interviews!
  6. Do plan to be interviewed at fair!  Candidates are most often surprised by the number of interviews they get. The employers are there looking for talent!  Do look at InterviewStream to get assistance prepping for interviews.
  7. Do email career@gustavus.eduto tell us if you plan to attend the Fair Prep Party on Feb. 11.  If you are at ALL anxious about fair, what to say, what to do – this WILL help!
  8. Touring week is a great time to make sure you have your most professional clothes ready (including comfortable shoes).
  9. Back issues of these messages are on the Career Development blog
  10. If you have issues with transportation to the fair, email back to me and I can give you options!



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