Self-Publishing Posted on April 17th, 2014 by

We can’t all be the next Stephen King or J. K. Rowling, but maybe you have a novel saved on your computer and you’re starting to think that it just might be ready to hit the shelves. But then comes the daunting question you’ve been putting off during the entire writing process: how are you going to publish it? Sure, there are always the big publishing houses. And you might be able to get their attention with something super stellar. However, you might want to start smaller and work your way up. Consider self-publishing as option.
After checking around, here are 6 tips that will hopefully help to take you to your next step:
  1. Don’t give quit your real job. Until you’ve signed a large contract that promises to support you through retirement, don’t cut off your main source of income. While we’ve all heard of the fantastic self-publishing success stories, success like that is actually extremely rare.
  2. Consider e-books are your first avenue of publication. This option is fairly cheap and easy, especially compared to trying to get a massive publishing house to even look at your work.
  3. Because there isn’t a single person who follows the “Don’t judge a book by its cover” rule as he or she is shopping for the next read, making the cover stand out, especially online, is important. Find the line between professional and creative. And if you are selling it online, make sure the cover looks good when it’s about the size of your thumb.
  4. Write, revise, edit, repeat. There are going to much fewer eyes going over your work; make it as good as possible.
  5. Be yourself. Don’t sacrifice your style and story for what’s popular. If what’s hot on the market right now isn’t what you’re into, than don’t force it; the readers will know.
  6. Do your research. There are a lot of sites that aim to help you get your book from your computer into the hands of readers, but some are better than others. Look around, get opinions, and find what is best for you and your book.
There is a lot of information about self-publishing on the internet. Look around at what others have to say, especially those who have gone through the process themselves. After all the work you’ve put into your book, you want to make sure you do the last step right.


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