Looking for a job out of state? Posted on April 10th, 2014 by

You fill in the blanks with the city/state you would like to work in!

If I were looking for a job in ____ I would:
1. look at www.indeed.com
2. look at www.simplyhired.com – you can log into Facebook from there and it will search the employers of your Facebook friends for job openings
3. look at job postings on www.linkedin.com
4. look at the website for Chamber of Commerce in _____ area – look at major employers in area – go to their websites for position postings
5. look at employment/temp agencies in the area – they are a great way to get started in a new area – Robert Half, Jeane Thorn, etc.  there are different agencies in different parts of the country
6. look at www.linkedin.com Gustavus alumni group – search for any who are in ____ – reach out for ideas and suggestions of places to look.


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