Your Health in the Workplace Posted on November 6th, 2009 by

So you got the job!  Hooray!  This in itself should relieve anxiety. 
Once you’ve started working however, you’ll find that it can be similar to school – demands pile up and you can be stretched too far.  Job Stress can hit.  While usually not too serious, job stress can accumulate to a debilitating level.  Nip it in the bud with these (silly but effective) ideas:

When you desperately need a break, but can’t leave your desk:
  • Make like a third grader and stack your forearms on top of each other on your desk edge, place your feet flat on the ground, and lay your forehead on your arms.  Anytime you rest your head and give yourself a little time, your thoughts and heart pace will slow, relieving stress.
If your boss is driving you nuts:
  • Ignore the urge to bad-mouth them to a work buddy.  Instead thank your coworker for their friendship, or a nice thing they have done for you in the past – Expressing gratitude will help you focus on the positive, giving you an instant mood boost.  Plus, bad-mouthing your boss just isn’t a good idea!
If you are completely exhausted:
  • Get an energy lift by picking your feet off the ground, gripping the edge of your desk with your fingertips, and pushing your chair away.  Inhale and swivel to the right, keeping your shoulders facing forward.  Exhale and swivel to the left.  Doing this for 15 to 20 breaths will loosen the muscles in your back and get your blood pumping quicker, energizing you.
If you have too much to do:
  • Take a step back before your stress level snowballs.  Before beginning your tasks, find a funny two minute video on YouTube.  This quick break will reset your stress level and give you a fresh attitude to approach work with.
If you feel like you can’t get anything done:
  • Your anxiety level is too high, causing you to be restless and edgy.  A 10-minute walk will burn off the nervous energy and calm you.
If you feel totally unmotivated:
  • Try a one-minute visualization technique.  Close your eyes, listen to your breath, and picture yourself performing the lasts you need to complete, from start to finish.  Having a mental trail to follow is far easier than working through the dark without a plan.
If you are so stressed that you can’t seem to calm down:
  • Take a tip from a spa.  Keep a calming essential oil at your desk for an aromatherapy session whenever you need it,  When you begin to feel stressed, take several whiffs and breathe slowly.

Working on Your Fitness (at Work…)
Once Lund is no longer right around the corner, fitting a workout into your day will be both increasingly difficult and more important.  Thankfully, most employers offer lengthy meal breaks (45 min – 1 hr).  Make the most of this time by heading to a nearby gym, or just walking either outside or around your building.  This is the perfect time to fit exercise into your day – let’s be honest, you aren’t going to wake up earlier and you’ll be wiped out at the end of the day!

As they say, “You can find time and ways to exercise at work, as long as you’re willing to think creatively about the situation, occasionally push the envelope of workplace decorum, and perhaps even chuckle at yourself!”

(Info from and

For more ideas (and a MASSAGE and DELICIOUS FOOD come to the Chill Out Wellness Fair today from 10 am – 4:30 pm in the Banquet Rooms!!)


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